Water diet - talking about how to drink water properly to lose weight.
The theory that using water alone can lose weight, that a water diet can quickly solve problems with excess weight, very much like our women. Indeed, unlike strict diets, the water diet does not provide for serious restrictions in food, in fact, all that is needed to lose weight, so it's only to drink a day the required amount of water. Honestly, this idea aroused in me a lot of doubts - if everything was so easy, we would lose weight only on the water and the water diet would long ago become the method of losing weight the number one in the world. But one thing is the theory, the other is a practice, so I decided to check everything on myself.
How to drink water to lose weight
To lose weight, drink water right - that's the basic rules that will allow you to get the maximum effect from taking the product.
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- Choose ordinary table drinking water. Carbonated and mineral water is not suitable for water diet, as intensive use of the first leads to dehydration of the body, and the second - stimulates the appetite.
- Water should be at room temperature.
- If you are determined to lose weight, you should drink water half an hour before meals, or at least an hour after eating. That is, if you have breakfast, lunch, and dinner, then for 30 minutes before each meal you need to drink two glasses of water. It turns out one and a half liters. The rest is evenly distributed throughout the day.
- To consume water it is necessary for a course - at least a week to get the result. Below I will tell you how I spent seven days on the water and what happened. Better yet, practice this method constantly.
How much water should I drink during the day to lose weight?
The question of how much water should be drunk a day for weight loss is treated by dieticians in different ways.
Here much depends on the state of your urinary system, because exceeding its capabilities can lead to edema, which we absolutely do not need. In addition, we drink not only water but also other drinks, we eat soups and so on. Hence, experts advise everyone wishing to use the water diet such an approach.
The first three days - one and a half liters, that is, half a liter before breakfast, lunch and dinner. This is for those who really want to lose weight at home. If such a task is not before you, you want to maintain the weight in the norm or cleanse the body, do so - a glass before eating, and the rest of the day.
If everything is fine, then take the calculator and divide your weight by 20. This is your rate of fluid intake per day. At my weight of 65 kilograms, the number was 3.25 liters. This includes water, tea, soups for weight loss, and kefir with milk, in a word, all liquids. Estimate how much you consume them. I have for tea (2-3 cups) and evening kefir takes about a liter, which means that I can afford to drink a little more than 2 liters a day. Not more. That is one and a half liters before meals and somewhere 0.7 in the breaks.
Answers to frequently asked questions about water diet for weight loss
Here are a few recommendations that will give you the opportunity to use a water diet for weight loss with high efficiency. So...
- It is often asked why the maximum amount of water should be drunk just before meals. The answer is simple - thus reducing the appetite and you eat less. In addition, there is time to go to the toilet.
- Drastically limit salt intake. This product delays moisture in the body, and we need it to circulate as quickly as possible and accelerate the metabolism.
- The same applies to coffee - when using a water diet, it is better to exclude it from your menu.
- Try to move as much as possible. Moving, you stimulate your body to a more active metabolism and your lymphatic system is cleared up faster.
- Drink clean water without additives. Many women tend to accelerate the process of losing weight, adding, for example, more and lemon juice. This is another system, another scheme, and their unreasonable alignment can lead to completely opposite results.
Water diet - my 7 days
Water diet, day 1: As I said, you need to start with a liter and a half, that is, two glasses before eating and that's it. The next day, add a couple more glasses and so gradually to reach its norm. I did it in 3 days and did not cause any problems.
Water diet, day 2: I come to the conclusion that it is right to drink water to lose weight, you need either very long or something to strengthen this water diet. Say, the minimum restrictions in nutrition. This is easy enough, because the water drunk before eating, already fills the stomach and eat a lot not just what you do not want, but just hard. I decide to have a couple of apples for dinner or a vegetable salad - once a water diet clears the body, it will help her even more.
Water diet, day 3: It seems to me that only today my internal system has earned on a relatively full power.The number of approaches to glasses with water has become approximately equal to the number of trips to the toilet. At the same time, I say that I drink water to lose weight, you can not, the scales are still standing.What a morning that evening.
Water diet, day 4: I decided that it's wrong to drink water and not lose weight. Therefore, together with the water diet, I arrange a day off for myself. I eat apples and look at the world with a smile. In the evening I get up on the scales - o-pa, minus kilogram. Already the result.
Water diet, day 5: Due to the fact that, in addition to experimenting with myself, the editorial staff also makes me work, I had to hobble around the city all day. One and a half liters of water with a bag, shoulder, frankly, delayed well. Lunch, to be honest, generally missed, drank a cup of tea and ate a tiny chocolate bar.There was a problem that the water was asking outside, and the restrooms were not always there. This should be taken into account for those women who will use the water diet while having an appropriate work schedule. The scales show that another half a kilo dropped.
Water diet, day 6: Saturday. I catch myself thinking that I want to lose weight, but I do not have water to drink. Instead of water, it would be better to juice, for modern juices all are full of sugar, and this will destroy the entire system. The output was found in honey - I place honey in my mouth a little and sip water, it's sweet and pleasant. It is known because honey is also used for weight loss. By the way, the appetite after the honey drink has completely disappeared, so ate again quite a bit, for weight loss, probably, good.At the same time, I have a swimming pool - that's where the water is. Interestingly, the fact that I swallowed there, you can enter into the asset of water diet or not. Before going to bed, she climbed on the scales - another small minus, in just a week (or rather, in the last three days) of the order of two kilograms.
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Water diet - my Conclusions
Day 7 Sunday: In the morning I woke up with a sick head and decided that I would not drink water to lose weight, my water diet came to its finale. She made herself a cup of coffee and realized that life is beautiful.But the report is a report - here I sit and poke my fingers in the keyboard, I write for you my impressions of the water diet, how to drink water properly to lose weight. The conclusions are simple - not everything is as simple as it looks at first glance. Strongly lose weight on a water diet, I think, is unlikely to succeed, but the way is good because it is very simple and even primitive, drink your own water. Moreover, in combination with some other diet for weight loss, I'm sure water will work wonders, as it removes hunger and helps the body to cleanse. Therefore, use the water diet as an additional argument against excess weight, combining with a low-calorie diet or active physical exercises, and you will have a slender figure.