Wrinkles - is it normal?

Yes, wrinkles - a common phenomenon for healthy skin. These are folds and grooves that appear due to the fact that the skin loses its elasticity and strength over time.

However, even newborns have folds in the region of the joints, where the arms and legs are bent and stretched, and the "bandages" - where they have too much subcutaneous fat.

Where do they appear?

Wrinkles do not appear suddenly and at once, except in the form of exceptions like systemic diseases, when the mass of cells suddenly accumulates in the skin. Therefore, it is easy to predict where wrinkles will appear:
  • Places where the muscles most often contract. For example, if you frown or smile, there are wrinkles around the eyes and forehead.
  • Places that most often fall under the influence of ultraviolet. The sun that gives us a tan, contributes to the appearance of wrinkles.
  • Places where thin skin. There, she simply loses collagen (a protein that is responsible for strength and elasticity) most quickly.

What influences the appearance of wrinkles?

First of all, this is an age that spares no one.

Secondly, wrinkles are the result of ultraviolet light. The sun also colours them, changing the structure of collagen. And the lighter the shade of the skin, the more it is predisposed to the appearance of solar wrinkles.

And the third main enemy of smooth skin is cigarettes (that's another reason to stop smoking and even to wake up).

When is it time to treat wrinkles?

Since wrinkles do not affect health in general, but only aesthetics, it all depends on the state of the wallet and a personal view of the beautiful. Of course, it is always easier to deal with prevention, since wrinkles are unlikely to become fashionable in the near future. Moles, unnatural whiteness of the skin, sunburn, and shine were at the peak, but wrinkles were never the object of envy.

How to get rid of wrinkles?

All treatments for wrinkles are cosmetic procedures. Even if it is a question of Surgery, this plastic is not according to vital indications. Such manipulations do not change anything in a patient's condition radically but can improve one's health. And as we recall, health is not only Physical but also mental well-being, which is affected by reflection in the mirror.

Cosmetic procedures that treat wrinkles can be grouped roughly like this:

1. Paralysis of facial muscles. It's botox and everything that looks like it. There is such a dangerous bacterium - botulinum clostridia. Its toxin (that is, the poison that it emits) causes paralysis. And if, for example, you eat a jar of canned foods infected with botulism, you can die from paralysis of the respiratory muscles. But mankind has learned to use this effect to its own advantage.

Enterprising researchers cleared and weakened the toxin so that it could be injected with injections into the spastic and superficial muscles of the face. Because of the toxin, they are paralyzed for two to three months, depending on the dose and characteristics of the body. As a result, those wrinkles that appeared due to muscle movements are smoothed out. The risks of introducing Botox are a headache and a disease that resembles the symptoms of influenza.

2. Filling the depressions. There are many drugs that can be injected into deep wrinkles to smooth them from the inside. For example, the same hyaluronic acid, which is now used to fill wrinkles, and to increase the lips, and to correct the shape of the face.

There is a huge list of fillers approved for use by the FDA, starting from the patient's own fat cells (pumped in one place, pumped into another), collagen (and a lot of drugs based on it), lactic acid, hydroxyapatite, as well as various combinations thereof. Do not forget about silicone and mineral oils, which, although they go to the past because of their insecurity, still popular.

3. Changes in collagen through invasive destructive procedures or medical devices. There are procedures that should improve the quality of collagen in the skin and change its appearance. The use of lasers, chemical peels, dermabrasion remove the dead cells and encourage fibroblasts to produce more collagen to remove fine wrinkles. However, these same procedures can cause serious damage - a chemical burn - or leave a scar, so choose a better one. For this, ultrasound and low-frequency devices are used.

4. Surgical removal of excess skin.  This procedure refers to plastic surgery and is performed in the operating room under anaesthesia. The result depends on the skill of the surgeon and can be impressive.

Some procedures are simple, like applying the cream on the skin surface (though it does not always work: as studies show. Most Wrinkle Creams Do not Work, most of the home creams from wrinkles - just a marketing move). Others are a serious intervention that requires anaesthesia. What exactly will help in each case - depends on the type of skin, the depth of wrinkles and the cost, of course.

What exactly to use and how the doctor-cosmetologist should solve. Much depends on how the drug is used by the clinic or salon, how much you are willing to pay and how willing you are to risk. Most injecting methods of rejuvenation require constant repetition because fillers dissolve under the skin and it comes to its original state (this is fortunate, if not, we see terrible side effects and disfigured faces).
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What to do to make wrinkles smaller?

Ways to avoid the appearance of wrinkles are not so many. For example, you can always walk with a stony face, so as not to provoke the appearance of facial wrinkles (well, at least do not frown).
On the other hand, we can reduce the harmful factors that spoil our skin and cause it damage. This, of course, the sun and smoking. Therefore, you should always carry a cream with UV protection and never carry a cigarette.

Sunburn has become fashionable relatively recently, and there is an opinion that it's time to get out of this fashion - in the end, skin health is more precious to us. Light tan, obtained naturally or on the beach, but with sunscreen, can easily fill the needs for vitamin D (especially if you eat fatty fish), and wrinkles will be filled only with hyaluronic acid (or something like that).