"There are days when you drop your hands. And there are no messages, no music, no strength ... ". Even with the correction for the imagery of these lines from the song "Time Machine", similar feelings arose for everyone. When you literally fall asleep at work, trying to at least slightly refresh yourself with strong coffee. When you are tired, you come home and get energy, because there are other things that you need to do. How much is it good for your health? The question is rather rhetorical. Therefore, in this article we have collected recommendations on how to remain active and energetic all day and feel happy, using the features of our body and natural means.
So, to cope with drowsiness and charge the body with energy, when necessary, you can use the following tips:
Correct start of the day and the job
Get enough sleep at night. Everything is obvious, but simple truths are most often forgotten. The best way to feel cheerful and rested in the morning is to get enough sleep on the eve. How many hours of sleep you have enough - 6, 7 or 8 - depends on the individual characteristics of the body. But if you sleep less than 6 hours a day, you will gradually feel a lack of sleep, and this negatively affects your well-being.
Do exercises. The body continues to be relaxed after sleeping for a while, and to get up quickly, you can do a little exercise, then wash with cold water or take a contrast shower.
Plan your day. This will allow you to concentrate on accomplishing important tasks and avoid those that simply "steal" your time, destroying energy reserves.
Eat right. Do not skip meals and do not overeat. In the latter case, your body will use energy to cope with the digestion of the incoming food and you will not be able to work fully.
Practice "cat nap". "Cat's Dream" - a 15-minute nap after lunch. The bottom line is that during this time the brain has time to "reboot" and rest. And after working more productive. Of course, not everyone has such an opportunity, but the fact that we are assured by numerous Western consultants on personal productivity.
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Be out in the fresh air. In the warmth, the processes in our body slow down, because of what we feel less cheerful and often cannot, in case of need, quickly get the necessary turnover for work. So do not spend the whole lunch break in the dining room or cafe - walk along the street. You can also go to the open window while you are working and stay with him for a couple of minutes - oxygen to the brain is definitely not a problem.
Move more often. Make a habit at the end of every hour to spend a couple of minutes on the warm-up: get up from the chair and walk around the office. Also, prefer a ladder, not an elevator.
Watch your posture. Improper placement at the desk affects the ability to focus attention.
Start the day by solving a difficult task. Use still inexhaustible reserves of energy to solve important tasks in the first place. The brain will get used to the load, and everything else will seem simpler.
Finish the job. This will serve as an excellent impetus and motivation for further achievements.
Food preferences to feel energetic all day.
Eat less, but more often. So, first, less energy will be involved in supporting the digestive processes. Secondly, the body itself will receive more water.
Give up sugar and sweets. So-called fast carbohydrates cause an increase in the level of insulin in the blood, which can cause a feeling of fatigue.
Give preference to whole-grain products. Complex carbohydrates are processed by the body for a longer time, and, consequently, they feed it with energy for a longer time, allowing you to feel more cheerful.
Eat lean meat and fish. They do not increase the sugar content in the blood, which ensures an even flow of energy, and the feeling of saturation lasts longer.
Use mint. Try to replace coffee with mint tea, it is quite refreshing. In the matter of concentration of attention and increase of efficiency, the mint chewing gum will also be useful.
Do not forget about vitamins. To stay vigorous and energetic throughout the day, you need to take care of the intake of the right amount of vitamins in the body. Especially C, D, thiamine, riboflavin, B 12, as well as pantothenic and folic acid.
Drink plenty of water. Dehydration leads to a decrease in blood volume and, as a consequence, to constant fatigue. It is also useful for the normal flow of metabolism and the release of energy from food.
Choose herbal supplements. Many people claim that, like mint, ginseng, Eleutherococcus, magnolia vine, mate are quite invigorating. Use not the dietary supplements, but the product itself.
Other Tips and Tricks to be active all day.
Pull the lobes of the ears down. If this is the way to massage the lobes of the ears for a short time, it will be possible to get rid of sleepiness.
Spend the tongue over the palate. It's not very pleasant, but even more ticklish, is not it? But the signal from the nerve endings almost immediately reaches the brain and promotes the concentration of attention.
Do a neck massage. Pay special attention to the upper part, pressing your fingers in the place where the neck turns into the head.
Spend a short session of breathing exercises. 5 minutes will be enough. You can start with the simplest exercise: concentrate on breathing, breathe deeply, mentally counting on inspiration and exhalation to four. This practice will fill your blood system with oxygen and cheer up.
Use of aromatherapy. Many essential oils stimulate the brain, making you feel more energetic. These include citrus, bergamot, cinnamon, cloves, cypress, eucalyptus, fir, ginger, pine, rosemary, basil.
Turn on the light. When you have work to do, never sit at dusk. The brighter the light, the more active your brain is.
Listen to music with a high tempo. If it does not distract you, make a special playlist with "clockwork" songs and listen to it every time you want to cheer up.
Laugh out loud. The flow of positive emotions energizes, therefore, after watching the video with funny animals, you will relax for a while, and balance the power a little restore.
Motivate yourself. We repeatedly wrote about various ways of self-motivation.
Change socks. Frankly, the trick is strange but working. And if in the middle of the working day to change socks to fresh - a rush of liveliness is guaranteed.