You suddenly found that you are bored, and you would like to do something interesting or useful.

There are many things that you can do to avoid boredom. Here are a few of them:

What to do at home if bored

1. Remember the old postcards that people used to give each other before the Internet became massive.

Send some beautiful cards to your friends who are far away from you. You do not have to wait for an answer from them, you just will know that you did something nice.

You can make a volumetric card.

2. Assemble the puzzle. If you have not forgotten what a puzzle is, then you are not so absorbed in modern technology.

Why puzzle? This game uses several zones of your brain - combine fun with useful, besides the big puzzle will take you a lot of time, and you will not feel boredom.

3. Make an order on the bookshelf. You can arrange them according to the epochs or colours of the covers or you can separate the books that you read from those that you are going to read in the future.

4. Try the art of origami. It will help you think and analyze better. When you master the basics, you can make incredibly beautiful figures. On the Internet, you can find a huge number of instructions on the origami technique.

5. Take up other forms of creativity. Try to write poetry or prose (maybe a script for a film for the sake of interest), draw something (pencil, watercolour, etc.), play your favourite song or learn a new one, or maybe compose your own.

6. It is not necessary to be a child to build your fort from chairs, stools, blankets, etc. Inside, you can sit with a laptop, for example.

7. Try to make a small gift for your friends and/or relatives with your own hands.

8. You can also make souvenirs with your own hands - instructions and descriptions of interesting ideas for making souvenirs can be found here.

9. You can please yourself or friends by making a sweet present.

10. If someone from your relatives soon holiday, can make their own hands for their gift.

11. Try to arrange your kitchen a little. You can use several interesting ideas that will simplify the work in the kitchen.

12. Take care of original handicrafts. Start with simple crafts and then go on to more intricate ones. Many crafts and instructions for them can be found here.

13. And how do you look at decorating the room with a beautiful vase made by yourself? Many variants of such vases, with simple instructions, can be found on our Blog.

What else can you do when bored

14. It's never too late to start such an interesting art form as scrapbooking - creating beautiful photo albums with your own hands.

15. The interior can be decorated with empty bottles, as you like.

16. As an option to combat boredom, try to make a mask with your own hands.

17. Try to cook something - it's not only interesting but also useful. Update your knowledge, find interesting recipes and try to please relatives and friends.

18. Watch the movie. You can find the right movie online or go to the cinema.

19. Watching TV shows is sometimes very useful if you are bored. To date, you can find the series for every taste, read comments and see ratings, so as not to make a mistake with the choice.

20. Practice in anything. Try, for example, pozhongirovat, leave small balls in the ring (bucket, box). You can record the items that you set by exercising.

21. Start work around the house, especially if you have already postponed it for a long time. Turn on the music and quietly start cleaning the house or something to fix or clean.

22. Learn something new. Look on the Internet and find out how to do magic tricks, or how to breathe fire.

23. If you have a lot of buttons around the house, try to make something interesting out of them.

24. Prepare yourself a warm bath. When was the last time you relaxed? Add sea salt, foam (if desired) to the bathroom and put your favourite music.

25. Create a list of things: what to do next week, the ideas of the craziest party, the list of people you would like to give gifts to, and what kind of gifts, list of favourite films/ groups/songs, etc.

What to do when bored at the computer

If you are bored at the computer, but you do not really want to leave it, there are a few useful things that you can do:

1. Check the mail, but not for new emails, and to delete unwanted letters, spam - just put the order in your box.

2. Replace your passwords (on the computer, in the mail, the social network can). The more often you do this, the better, just do not forget to write down all the changes. For convenience, you can use the password manager - a program to save passwords.

3. If you are unhappy with your current job, then you can think about the work of your dream. Create a document that indicates what you do not like about your current job and what you would like to have at the work of your dream. When you decide what you like, look for suitable jobs on the Internet for you.

4. Remember those who did something nice for you, and send them a postcard with the word "Thank you."

5. Arrange the order in your photos, both in the computer and in social networks.

6. Send a message or congratulation to an old acquaintance, friend, colleague or family member who has not been in touch with for a long time.

7. If you are bored, you can open a text document and start writing something, like a letter to someone. If the letter is addressed to a relative or friend, then you can send it.

8. If you are not familiar with Google documents, you can get to know this service, which allows you to create and store documents on the Internet, Word, Excel and Powerpoint. You will be able to open these documents anywhere in the world, where there is access to the Internet.

9. Clean the computer with old/unnecessary programs. This will not only free up your hard drive but will also make your computer work faster. In Windows, you need to go to the control panel and select "Add / Remove Programs."

10. Find out what hotkeys are for frequently used programs.
